Allah (Alá) – Who is, Meaning, History and Relationship with the Mecca

Allah is the name of God, the Lord of the universe, who according to the Muslims, did not father and was not begotten, nor do they compare him with anyone, because according to them, Allah is God, the creator of everything.

According to Muslims Allah knows everything that happens in heaven and on earth. Allah is the most gentle beyond all kindness, the most loving beyond all love, who has given his faithful everything they own, gives them water, food, light, air and all that is needed to live in this earth until according to them, their life ends.

According to Muslims, Allah gave him a mind and a heart to evaluate his surroundings and they are grateful to worship and obey him.

To obtain the approval of Allah, God, they must have faith and good behavior, which must be their priority in life. Muslims can only get to know him through his own words and according to his path.

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Who is Allah (Allah)?

Allah, is considered a divinity by Muslims, except him, as a living creature subsists by himself. To him belongs everything that is in heaven and on earth. For Muslims Allah knows their past and their future. So, by their knowledge, they Muslims, embrace only what Allah wants. His throne overflows the heavens and the earth, whose care does not cost Allah any problem, for being the highest, the greatest.

Allah is the god of Muslims, the almighty, who has sent prophets and messengers to convey his words, to remember that only Muslims should worship him but also teach how to follow his path. One day, when ordered, the sky will divide, the stars and planets will explode and the world will come to an end. Therefore, Allah Almighty will bring the faithful back to life to judge them, reward them or punish them for their achievements.

On that day, people who have worshiped false gods or other elements will be very sad, but those who have listened to Allah and acted in good will be happy.


The Meaning of Allah (Allah)

For many Westerners, Allah is the god of the Arabs, and the term even evokes for some a cruel deity, which pushes their worshipers to blind fanaticism. However, it is known that in Semitic languages, which include Arabic, such as Hebrew or Aramaic, the root Allah is used to name God.

Thus, the Old Testament has preserved obvious traces, the worshipers, angels and men of the Lord bear in their names the sign of their submission to God, by the angel Gabriel, for example,  God is called Elah. This name Elohim is named several times in the Old Testament to designate the God of the Hebrews.

Story of Allah

It may be useful to remember that the prophets did not know the Latin deus, from which we derive the word god. It is interesting to note that Christians of Eastern tradition and Arabic expression invoke God with the name of Allah. Such is the case of the Copts of Egypt. By calling God the name of Allah, Muslims thus conform to an ancient prophetic tradition. Through Revelation, God makes himself known to his creatures by revealing their names and these are mentioned in the Qur’an.

Important facts

For Muslims, God is Allah there is no other deity apart from him, knowing the invisible as well as the visible. He is the most merciful, is Allah. There is no deity but him for Muslims, the sovereign, the pure, the calming, the tranquilizer, the predominant, the almighty, the binding, the proud. Muslims claim glory to Allah, which transcends what they associate with him. Allah is the creator, the one who starts everything, the formator. For him the most beautiful names, everything that is in heaven and on earth glorifies him, because according to them, he is the powerful, the wise.

According to the story, Muhammad, the prophet sent by Allah entered Mecca as nobody had done before and in a way that will never happen again. Around him were the Muhajirun and the Ansars, whose only eyes were the retinas behind their armor. The companions were in their respective places, the angels above them, and Jibril moved between the prophet, peace and blessings upon him and his lord. Allah allowed him in this sacred place what he did not allow anyone else.

The prophet, entered victorious in Mecca, the chin attached to the chair of his horse by submission and humility to the one who dressed him in the clothing of this power, towards which the creatures raise their heads and whereby the kings stretch the neck, entered like a king, supported and rescued by Allah.

Story of Allah

Relationship with The Mecca

The Quran does not contain passages that offer a systematic description of the attributes of God. In Arabic, it is called “Allah,” which simply means “The God.” God does not appear in the Qur’an as he does in the Old Testament with these words, “I am who I am” (Exodus 3:14, NIV 21) but remains hidden, mysterious. He is completely separated from his creation and absolutely cannot be compared to one of his created beings because there is nothing like him according to Islam and his symbolic book the Koran.

As Allah is mysterious, no one can make a mental representation of him or imagine how he is and any attempt would be prohibited. A Muslim believer knows only the names of Allah, their attributes described in the Qur’an and hears about their interaction with humanity.

The center of the message of the Qur’an is Allah, and Mecca is the sacred site of worship and tribute to Allah, who is one, that nothing can be compared with him and that it cannot be compared with anyone else. This is the dogma of “tauwḥīd”: (the unity / uniqueness of Allah).Allah is defined in 3 areas: creation, provision and judgment. The Quran says that at first Allah created the world and humanity and that at the end of time, each individual will be judged and receive his just reward from Allah, the Most High but Merciful, for whom nothing is hidden, because “a leaf does not fall until he knows it. “

Allah is unique, for Muslims, truly existent transcendent, very high, omnipresent, immutable, not dying, eternal and uncreated, omniscient and unlimited in its greatness. It cannot be measured, candles cannot cover it, its faithful try to understand it but cannot understand it, because it cannot be measured by man, no created being can be compared with him in any way. Therefore, today in Islam, the idea is born that Allah has 99 names, which allows the believer to worship him.

The Quran says that Allah has revealed himself to mankind through his kindness. The goodness of Allah is reminded of Muhammad and he must remind people to remember the benevolence of Allah and to be grateful for that. Gratitude to Allah and the recognition that all things come from him is the virtue of a true Muslim, while the unbeliever always lacks gratitude because he does not recognize Allah and is not subject to him.

The Quran says that Allah loves those who practice justice and guide the steps of those who do their will. Allah does not take advantage of his enemies, and those who mock him only have anger and judgment to expect. He does not like corrupt men, unbelievers, sinners and those who do evil.

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